#31 - 1925 Bowen Road, Nanaimo
Phone: 250.729.2776


L'AFN office

L’Association des francophones de Nanaimo (AFN) a pignon sur rue! Pour nous trouver il suffit de se rendre au petit centre d’achat «Bowen Center», sur la rue «Bowen Rd» tout près de la rue «Meredith dr», et se diriger vers le coin nord-ouest (au fond à droite). L’autobus #40 (VIU) peut vous déposer à l’arrêt «James» presqu’en face de la pharmacie «Rexall».

We are open:

Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

  • 10:00 to 12:15 & 1:15 pm to 3:00 pm

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

  • Closed

Coming in you will be welcomed by Catharine, our coordinator. She is in the back left corner, behind her computer screen not hiding we can assure, just working hard!!!

*  *  *  *  *  *


All the questions related to the "francophonie" will receive here the adequate answers.

You might also find more here! Many times volunteers come to accomplish some tasks, help or even enjoy themselves. Ideal time to make contacts with nice people!

The place offers all the secretarial services one can expect: photocopies, computer, phone.....